CCEA ELQ Life Skills and Extended Life Skills

The CCEA Entry Level Life Skills and Extended Life Skills specification helps learners to increase their knowledge and confidence and demonstrate their achievement in developing independent living skills for adult life. This includes managing money, shopping, personal safety, applying for jobs and taking part in their community. These skills are taught in a practical manner and give the learner the opportunity to experience these skills within a controlled environment.
This qualification builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed through the Learning for Life and Work Area of Learning.
This qualification considers the requirements of learners with special educational needs and pays particular attention on the skills required to prepare for the transition to adult life beyond a school/education setting.
This specification is made up of units, and learners can gain a qualification at Entry Level 1, 2 or 3. For each unit, learners produce a portfolio of work to show how they have met the assessment criteria.
Learners must achieve a level in any six units to achieve the Entry Level in Life Skills and a further six units to achieve the Entry Level in Extended Life Skills.
This qualification aims to help learners prepare for working and adult life by developing employability and independent living skills. It emphasises learning by doing, with a focus on transferable skills that learners will need in a changing and dynamic working environment.
Learners develop skills for independent living and transition into adult life, applying these skills in a practical context.
Technology & Design – CCEA ELQ Occupational Studies

The CCEA Entry Level Occupational Studies qualification includes a wide range of units related to the world of work. Many of these relate to areas that also appear in Level 1 and 2 Occupational Studies. This qualification will focus mainly on bench joinery within Knockavoe School and Resource Centre
The qualification is aimed to:
- facilitate learning in a practical situations
- motivate learners
- develop employability skills
- prepare learners for work and adult life
- provide progression to higher learning
Occupational Studies enables learners to apply knowledge, understanding and skills in their chosen occupational context. It also aims to help them prepare for working and adult life by developing employability and independent living skills. It emphasises learning by doing, with a focus on transferable skills that learners will need in a changing and dynamic working environment.
Asdan Transition Challenge

Transition Challenge offers a learner-centred, activity-based curriculum that can be undertaken with as much support as necessary. It has been developed for learners aged 14–16 with SEND, although it can be used with older age groups if appropriate.
There are two levels available:
- Sensory: this programme offers a developmental perspective for learners with PMLD and rewards very small steps of learning and achievement
- Introduction and Progression: the activities in this programme cover the statutory programmes of study for the Key Stage 4 National Curriculum, along with activities to develop the skills required for adult living
Princes Trust

Since 1976, Princes Trust has worked with over 825,000 young people, giving them practical and financial support to develop their key work skills so they can move into employment, education or training.
Recognising that many young people lack formal qualifications, they actively promote qualifications to those who need them most – whether they’ve struggled at school, have been in care, are long-term unemployed or have been in trouble with the law.
Our qualifications seek to:
Ensure learners have every opportunity to gain formal recognition of their skills and achievements
Develop qualifications that offer flexibility, choice and pathways to progression
Provide excellent support and service to our partners to ensure they’re best placed to support young people
Young Enterprise

The Young Enterprise Team Programme is an exciting enterprise journey that is suitable for students aged 15 to 19+ who have mild to moderate learning difficulties or are studying for Entry Level or Level 1 qualifications.
It is designed to aid the transition from education into independent living and employment by developing life skills through working as a team to set up and run a business or social enterprise. Full teacher and student resources are provided which have been designed to meet a range to abilities and needs.
How does it work?
Over a period of time ranging from one to two years, students work in teams to set up and run a real company or social enterprise under the guidance of their teacher, local business volunteer and Young Enterprise Manager. Each student takes on a job role and works as part of a team to be responsible for an area of the business such as Finance, Sales or Marketing. Students have the opportunity to manage money, open a bank account, interact with business volunteers and customer at sales events and present to an audience. The programme develops life skills which are fundamental for young people making the transition from education:
- Communication
- Confidence
- Teamwork
- Resilience
- Money Management
CCEA ELQ in Mathematics

The CCEA Entry Level Mathematics specification gives learners opportunities to develop and apply mathematical skills in everyday situations. It also helps learners develop an awareness of mathematical concepts with particular attention to understanding Money and Time.
This qualification aims to help learners prepare for working and adult life by developing employability and independent living skills. It emphasises learning by doing, with a focus on transferable skills that learners will need in an ever changing and active working environment.
This qualification also provides opportunities for learners to develop skills in:
- application of number
- communication
- improving their own learning and performance
- information and communication technology
- problem-solving
- working with others.
This qualification builds on the previous knowledge, understanding and skills developed through the Mathematics and Numeracy section of the NI Curriculum.
Essential Skill Numeracy

Essential Skills Numeracy
The CCEA Entry Level Certificate in Essential Skills Adult Numeracy has been
designed to be consistent with these principles and its assessment arrangements
are based on the national standards, which are included as Section 4 in this
document. The qualification is appropriate for adults in education, the workplace,
training schemes and other everyday settings who wish to:
• improve their essential numeracy skills;
• become better qualified;
• improve their employment and training opportunities;
• improve their overall quality of life and personal development;
CCEA ELQ in English

The CCEA Entry Level English specification gives learners the opportunity to engage with literature in different forms to develop their skills of communication, problem-solving and working with others Learners also are given the opportunity to practise Reading, Talking, Listening and Writing skills in different situations and for a range of purposes. Children are supported in their development self-awareness and are given the chance to enhance their employability skills in preparation for working and adult life.
This qualification builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed through the Language and Literacy Area of Learning in the NI Curriculum.
This qualification aims to help learners prepare for working and adult life by developing employability and independent living skills. It emphasises learning by doing, with a focus on transferable skills that learners will need in a changing and dynamic working environment.
CCEA Art & Design - ELQ – GCSE – AS Level

The CCEA Entry Level Art and Design specification gives learners opportunities to investigate a range of media. They apply art, craft and design techniques and processes to create their own outcomes.
The CCEA GCSE Art and Design specification develops students’ understanding of how meanings, ideas and intentions can be communicated through visual and tactile language. Students learn how to use different media and technologies to realise their intentions. They develop their understanding of the creative and cultural industries and refine their work through experimentation.
- The Entry Level Qualification places an emphasis on drawing, and on understanding and applying the design process. It encourages students to engage with the creative and cultural industries, and offers a broad and flexible content, allowing students to pursue a range of creative pathways.
- The Art and Design GCSE qualification develops in-depth knowledge and understanding of art and design through research and practical activities, intellectual capabilities, and independent approaches to learning.
- The AS & A2 qualifications develop the learner’s creative process in response to a theme. They explore concepts, and develop knowledge, skills, and techniques, including drawing. They present a portfolio and resolve their learning into a personal response. Students who continue to A2 undertake a more focused investigation based on a given theme. This takes the form of both written and practical investigations, which are followed by producing a resolved outcome
Essential Skills Literacy

Essential Skills
The CCEA Entry Level Certificate in Essential Skills Adult Literacy has been
designed to be consistent with these principles and its assessment arrangements
are based on the national standards, which are included as Section 4 in this
document. The qualification is appropriate for adults in education, the workplace,
training schemes and other everyday settings who wish to:
- improve their essential literacy skills;
- become better qualified;
- improve their employment and training opportunities;
- improve their overall quality of life and personal development;
- progress through the national qualifications framework.
Qualification Pathway
Knockavoe School 10 Melmount Gardens, Strabane BT82 9EB | Phone:028 7188 3319